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Montrice Service
Various packages are availabe to meet your needs. Payment Plans are availabe for most services. Sponsored and subsidized services are available for families recieving public assistance, experiencing financial hardship, and for underserved populations. Please contact us if you feel that this applies to you to learn more.
Montrice Services are Available for $1700
Genesis Birth Services offers monitrice services for clients planning an out-of-hospital births or who wish to labor at home if possible before heading to the hospital.
A monitrice is a non-medical attendant with assessment and clinical skills.
A Montrice or Labor Assistant is skilled at checking vitals such as blood pressure, fetal heart tones, assessing labor progress, newborn assessment, breastfeeding support, and antenatal education. A monitrice does not perform these tasks at the hospital, birthing center, or when the midwife has come to your home unless the caregiver consents. A monitrice does not make primary care decisions or diagnosis.
You will receive all the typical support you can expect from a doula but with added clinical support from a trained montrice/ midwife assistant.
At the arrival of your midwife, or transferring to a hospital or birthing center, your Montrice will assume the role of Doula only. No clinical support will be available. Your Montrice is not a Midwife and will not catch or assist in the birth without your provider present. While we believe in birth autonomy, if you have no birth professional available such as a midwife or OB, we will not be able to attend the birth event in its completion.